After signing up, you would have received an email with the link to set up your integration.

Step 1: Follow the link

Important: the integration link expires after 7 days. To receive a new one, get in touch with our support team via Live Chat.

Step 2: Select your ATS

That's the easy part, type in the name of your ATS and then select the ATS by clicking on it.

Step 3: Consent to the access rights

Whire and will acquire read/write access to your candidates and applications as well as read access on users and jobs.

These are the strict minimum requirements for the integration to function.

Step 4: Enter your subdomain information

Depending on your ATS, the instructions may differ here. You may expand the how-to section of this screen for more detailed instructions on how to retrieve the required information from your ATS.

For Recruitee, you will find the information at:

Step 5: Get the API key of your ATS

Not all users have access to this feature in the ATS.

If you are not able to find the key yourself, contact your IT team, the recruitment manager or the system owner to complete this step.

Step 6: Allow a few hours for our team to complete the sync